The Tubbs Dilator is a surgical instrument used in mitral valve repair or replacement surgery to dilate the mitral valve and improve access to the valve leaflets. The instrument is named after its inventor, Dr. Richard J. Tubbs, who was a cardiac surgeon.
The Tubbs Dilator is a handheld instrument that consists of a series of dilating blades arranged in a circular pattern around a central shaft. The blades can be opened and closed to gradually dilate the valve and provide access to the valve leaflets for repair or replacement.
During mitral valve surgery, the Tubbs Dilator is inserted through a small incision in the heart and guided to the mitral valve. The blades are then gently opened to dilate the valve and improve access to the leaflets. The surgeon can then repair or replace the valve using specialized instruments and techniques.
This surgical instrument is designed to be gentle and precise, minimizing the risk of injury to the valve leaflets or surrounding tissues. The instrument is made of high-quality stainless steel, which allows it to withstand repeated use and sterilization without corroding or rusting.